1. Muscle building exercises
  2. Bodyweight exercises
  3. Planks

Top 10 Plank Exercises for Building Muscle

Tips and Techniques for Optimizing Your Workouts and Gaining Muscle Effectively with Planks

Top 10 Plank Exercises for Building Muscle

Welcome to our article on the top 10 plank exercises for building muscle! Planks are a simple yet effective bodyweight exercise that can help strengthen your core and build muscle in your upper body, lower body, and back. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, incorporating planks into your workout routine can greatly benefit your overall strength and physique. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of planks and provide you with a comprehensive list of the best plank exercises to incorporate into your muscle-building routine. So, if you're looking to take your fitness to the next level, keep reading and discover the power of planks!Planks are a highly effective bodyweight exercise that can help you achieve your muscle-building goals.

They work by engaging multiple muscle groups in your body, including your arms, core, and legs, making them a great addition to any fitness routine. One of the biggest benefits of planks is their ability to strengthen your core muscles. By holding a plank position, you are engaging your abdominal muscles, back muscles, and glutes, which can help improve your posture and overall stability. This can be especially beneficial for weightlifting and other strength exercises. But planks aren't just about building a strong core. They also target your arm muscles, including your biceps, triceps, and shoulders.

The different variations of planks, such as side planks and reverse planks, can also engage your obliques and back muscles. If you're looking to tone and strengthen your legs, planks have got you covered. The walking plank, in particular, can target your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves as you move from one plank position to another. Now, let's dive into the different variations of planks and how to properly perform each exercise for maximum results. Remember to always engage your core and maintain proper form to avoid injury.

1.Traditional Plank

To perform a traditional plank, start by lying face down on the ground with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and your forearms on the floor. Lift your body off the ground so that only your forearms and toes are touching the floor.

Keep your back flat and hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

2.Side Plank

The side plank targets your obliques and can help improve your balance. Start by lying on your side with your feet stacked on top of each other. Lift your body off the ground using your forearm and feet, keeping your body in a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch sides.

3.Reverse Plank

The reverse plank is great for targeting your back muscles.

Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Place your hands behind you with your fingers pointing towards your toes. Lift your body off the ground so that only your hands and feet are touching the floor. Keep your body in a straight line and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

4.Walking Plank

The walking plank is a dynamic variation that can engage multiple muscle groups at once.

Start in a traditional plank position, then move into a side plank by rotating your body to one side and lifting one arm towards the ceiling. Return to the starting position, then repeat on the other side. Incorporating planks into your fitness routine is crucial for building muscle and increasing strength. They can also complement other exercises, such as weightlifting and cardio, by improving stability and balance. So next time you hit the gym, don't forget to add some planks into your workout. Your muscles will thank you!

Proper Form and Technique

When it comes to performing planks, having proper form and technique is crucial for avoiding injury and maximizing results.

Follow these tips to ensure you're performing planks safely and effectively:

  • Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels.
  • Engage your core muscles by pulling your belly button towards your spine.
  • Keep your shoulders down and back, and avoid rounding your upper back.
  • Make sure your hips are not sinking or lifted too high. Your body should form a straight line.
  • Remember to breathe and keep your neck in a neutral position.
  • Hold the plank for at least 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time as you build strength.
By following these guidelines, you can perform planks safely and effectively, allowing you to reap the full benefits of this powerful exercise.

The Benefits of Planks

Planks are a highly effective bodyweight exercise that can benefit your overall fitness in numerous ways. Not only do they target multiple muscle groups, but they also help improve your posture, stability, and core strength. Incorporating planks into your fitness routine can have a significant impact on your physical and mental well-being. One of the main benefits of planks is that they engage and strengthen your core muscles, including your abs, obliques, and lower back.

By holding a plank position, you are essentially creating an isometric contraction in these muscles, which means they are working without moving. This not only helps build muscle but also improves overall stability and balance. Additionally, planks can also help improve your posture. Many people spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or hunched over their phones, which can lead to poor posture. Planks target the muscles in your back and shoulders, helping to strengthen and support them, leading to better posture and reducing the risk of back pain. Another reason to incorporate planks into your fitness routine is the fact that they can help with overall strength and endurance.

As you hold a plank position, you are also engaging your arms, legs, and glutes, making it a full-body exercise. Over time, this can lead to improved strength and endurance throughout your entire body. Lastly, planks are a low-impact exercise that can be modified to fit any fitness level. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, there are various plank variations that you can try to challenge yourself. And since they require no equipment, planks can be done anywhere at any time.

Different Variations of Planks

If you're looking to build muscle and increase your strength, planks are a highly effective bodyweight exercise that should not be overlooked.

Not only do they engage your core muscles, but they also target multiple muscle groups throughout your body. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 plank exercises that will help you achieve your muscle-building goals.

1.Standard Plank

The standard plank is a great starting point for beginners. It targets your core, shoulders, arms, and legs.

2.Side Plank

The side plank is a variation that specifically targets your obliques and helps to improve overall balance.

3.Plank Reach

This variation adds an arm reach to the standard plank, increasing the challenge and engaging your back muscles.

4.Reverse Plank

The reverse plank targets your back muscles and can help improve posture.

5.Plank Jacks

Incorporating a jumping motion, plank jacks add a cardio element to the exercise while targeting your core and leg muscles.

6.Spiderman Plank

This variation involves bringing your knee towards your elbow, targeting your obliques and adding a rotational movement.

7.Plank with Leg Lift

By lifting one leg off the ground, this variation increases the challenge for your core and glutes.

8.Plank with Shoulder Tap

Adding a shoulder tap to the standard plank engages your shoulders and arms while also testing your balance and stability.

9.Plank with Arm and Leg Raise

This variation challenges your balance and coordination by raising one arm and the opposite leg off the ground.

10. Plank Up-Downs

Plank up-downs add a dynamic element to the exercise, targeting your arms, shoulders, and core muscles.

Incorporating Planks into Your Workouts

Planks are a great way to build muscle and improve your strength, but to truly maximize your results, it's important to incorporate them into a well-rounded workout routine.

By combining planks with other exercises, you can target different muscle groups and achieve a more balanced physique. One of the best ways to incorporate planks into your workouts is by using them as a core exercise. Planks engage your core muscles, including your abs, back, and hips. By incorporating planks into your core routine, you can strengthen these muscles and improve your overall stability and balance. Another way to maximize your results with planks is by combining them with other bodyweight exercises. For example, you can perform planks followed by push-ups to target your chest and arms.

Or, you can do planks followed by mountain climbers to work your core and legs. By mixing planks with other exercises, you can create a full-body workout that will help you build muscle and increase your strength. It's also important to vary your plank exercises in order to target different muscle groups. For example, side planks are great for targeting your obliques, while plank jacks work your legs and shoulders. By incorporating different plank variations into your workouts, you can ensure that you're targeting all of your muscle groups and getting the best results possible.


When incorporating planks into your workouts, it's important to maintain proper form and not push yourself too hard.

If you're new to planks or have any injuries, start slow and gradually increase the intensity. And always listen to your body – if something doesn't feel right, don't push through it. Planks are a versatile and challenging exercise that can greatly benefit your muscle-building journey. By incorporating different variations of planks into your routine, you can target various muscle groups and see significant improvements in strength and muscle mass. Remember to always perform planks with proper form and technique to avoid injury and make the most out of your workouts.

We hope this article has inspired you to add planks to your fitness routine and reach your muscle-building goals.

Katie Beichner
Katie Beichner

Certified bacon junkie. Award-winning internet nerd. Freelance twitter enthusiast. Hardcore bacon buff. Subtly charming bacon scholar. Hipster-friendly bacon geek.